
I have been writing some stories of my life, some thoughts about current events, songs and poems. Those writings are here.

I know plenty of artists who are both visual artists and writers, or visual artists and musicians. Or poets and designers. The creative life is not usually contained in one medium. Some artists find it most efficient, lucrative and focused to stick with one outlet. That’s fine for them. I’m not one of them. I’ve always played music, sketched, painted, crafted, written songs, stories, blogs, teachings, explanations. Some things are more creative than others, that’s ok. I’m happy being me.


Flowers in California

100 Towns


Solo Flight



Long, Long Way from Home

To Sleep, To Dream

The Sky

One Spark

If I Hold Still

The Bird’s Answer

The End of this Year’s Days

Carolina Dawn


Block Party, Jackson Ave

The Traffic Stop 1974

Memories of Princeton NJ 1976

Encounter with a Gander

Journey to Princeton 1979

Pittsburgh 1983-1985

The South, Richmond VA 1985-1987 part 1

Richmond VA part 2: The Medical Adventure

Judy Joy, 1992 to 1996

Becky Tallman, my mom Memorial January 14, 2017


Word Gone

Ode to Toulouse the Cat

The Shore

I Came to Dance

A Year

My Unquiet Mind

Even in My Sleep

Almost But Not Quite


On, Off


Lemon Drops

To Be a Tree


Pandemic Conversation


Above the Clouds