Long time since I added anything here. Most of my interactions are on Facebook and Instagram anymore.
I sit here in my oasis of a backyard under Covid 19 shelter-in-place, I
understand that I have it pretty easy in the midst of tough times. As
an artist I am seldom at a loss for something to do to fill my time. As
an introvert, it doesn’t bother me at all to stay home and not see folks
for long periods of time. As a middle class person still employed
during this time, I’m not too, too worried about
money. As an empty nester I don’t have the task of homeschooling or
tending any kiddos. Lucky me. It’s tempting to have some form of
survivor’s guilt, but that’s not constructive, and we are not through
this yet. We don’t know yet who will survive medically, financially,
maritally, politically, socially.
So many unknowns. What I do
know is that as a compassionate human, I will do all I can, get out my
sewing machine to make masks, clear the way for others to have resources
by not hoarding more than our share of tissues and chicken broth. Make
music videos and read to my grandkids, text friends to check in. Make
use of what I already have on hand. I will also accept help from loved
ones, from loving neighbors (thanks, Tom!). What I won’t do? I won’t go
out unless necessary — the reasons have been recounted by many others. I
will not spread rumors or disinformation, we are swimming in it.
Cooperation, compassion and hope are our greatest assets right now as
humans, and our leaders that point toward a plan, truth and hope are the
ones I am counting on these days.
My job as a human is to
respond quickly to true leadership, the science community, our governors
and mayors who are in touch with the scientific community and who are
acting decisively and with compassion. My job is to encourage others to
do the same with a spirit of citizenship and community. It’s also my job
to reflect back encouragement to these leaders and my fellow citizens.
My job as an artist right now is to communicate hope, humor, compassion
and joy, and find the whimsy in places unique to me. Art helps to
remind me that we are all part of this world wide community. In my
experience, it brings folks together. So that’s my current weekend
focus. That and clearing out the attic.
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