A 2 Hour Painting

July 24, 2004
 Dianna Shyne, an extraordinary artist right here in Seattle, painted a beautiful, evocative acrylic on gesso coated watercolor paper in two hours, the space of time allowed for the workshop today at Daniel Smith. With her paints stored not in tubes, but in fishing tackle boxes, and a method for keeping paints wet that amounts to a simple but effective wet paper towel in a tray and a piece of palette paper on top, she masterfully talked us through this wistful painting of her friend at the kitchen counter. She laid down a Quinacridone gold background, then using rubbing alcohol as an eraser, the lighter areas of the composition were defined. From there, she built up the shapes of the lights and darks, cooling them and warming them to her taste.  It’s best to see her in person, and this is hard to describe, so I won’t go on.  But it was amazing to watch this person who just KNEW what needed to happen next. 

I had already signed up for her two day workshop in August, and now I’m looking forward to it even more.

While at Daniel Smith, I purchased 3 inexpensive hake brushes and some watercolor postcards.  I can never leave without buying something. Plus it was air conditioned.

Did I mention it was still hot? No?  It was still hot.  I bought an extra fan, and dressed like Stanley in a Streetcar Named Desire.  I take that back–Stanley never wore a skirt.

Yours, Lynette


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